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Tap Into Social; Talk Up Construction

Category: Member-Features, Events

October celebrates careers in construction, and the National Association of Home Builders has designated Oct. 15 as THE DAY for all of you to come together with a loud voice to celebrate in cyberspace.

We want Home Builders Care Foundation to have a strong presence.

We would love it if HBA members could:

  1. Make a plan NOW to get a photo or video of you or your employees at work in some area of construction. You on a jobsite or in a work truck, employees smiling in a group in your office, you drawing a plan on your computer, employees meeting with a client to sell a home. They sky is the limit!
  2. On Oct. 15, share that photo or video to your social channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
  3. Here's the most important part: use the hashtag #CICDay2018 to amplify these messages.
  4. If you're using Facebook or Twitter, be sure to tag the Home Builders Care pages as part of your message
    1. Facebook is @HomeBuildersCare, Twitter is @HBCFM
  5. Sample messaging:
    1. We're not just contractors, we're building dreams! We're proud to celebrate Careers In Construction month with @hbcfm/@homebuilderscare #CICDay2018
    2. Make money doing what you love! We're proud to celebrate Careers In Construction month with @hbcfm/@homebuilderscare #CICDay2018

One last request: We are looking for examples of students and young people having success in the homebuilding industry. If you have had a young person work for you as an intern, summer job, etc., and you would be willing to share a story or experience about that with Home Builders Care for future communications, please contact Summer Hammond.